Pasadena OPC is a congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church under the oversight and care of the Presbytery of Southern California (OPC).
Matthew Cotta, a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 2003, is our pastor. From 2003-2017 he served as Pastor of Grace OPC in Hanover Park, Il. In 2017 he received and accepted the call as church planter in Pasadena, CA. He was installed as Pasadena OPC’s first pastor on March 12, 2023.
Matthew and his wife Lois have been married since 1997 and have four children (Rachel, Lilia, Luke, and Katherine) and two grandchildren (Emmaus and Sariyah). Born and raised in California’s Central Valley, Matthew began walking with the Lord in his early 20s. Matthew and Lois met at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, GA. After graduating from Covenant (B.A. History) Matthew and Lois moved to Escondido where he attended and later graduated (M.DIV) from Westminster Seminary in California. In addition to loving God, the church, and his family, Matthew loves Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (he’s a brown belt), cooking, reading, and fishing.

Our session consists of Pastor Matthew Cotta, Elder Nathan deboom, and Elder Lawrence McHargue. Craig Ives is our Deacon.
Our Director of Chinese Ministry, Mingzhe “Isaac” Zhou, is licensed in the Presbytery of Southern California and has been with us since July of 2021. He is a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (MDIV). He labors among us us with his wife Esther, and their children, David, Lydia, Silas, and Grace. We are thankful to the Lord for them and for wonderful the opportunity to worship and serve the Lord beside them.